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GDPR, Use of Cookies and Terms of Use

By accepting our terms of use and our privacy policy, you automatically accept the corresponding terms and conditions of, which you can read by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page.  


Generally. At our site we are committed and we consider our Principle to protect any information we collect and concern you. By using our services and our website you agree to the use of this information of yours in accordance with the Privacy Policy here and as described below.  

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to make you understand what kind of personal information (data) is collected, how and when we may make it available or use it and how you can correct any inaccuracies in this information. Our Privacy Policy also explains our online information practices and your choices about how your information is collected and used.  

Our site is not aimed at children (although we do not judge its object as unsuitable for them) and our purpose is not to extract personal information from children. If we notice that the personal data or information of children under the age of 13 has been collected, we will take any possible action to permanently delete this data from our databases.  

Our site may (may) retrieve, retrieve, record or track your personal information using cookies. We may use or recruit cookies, flash cookies, web beacons or more. We may collect personal information and data which will be used for advertising purposes or marketing actions only by us, the owners of this Cyberspace. We may also use your personal information or information to conduct financial transactions, banking transactions or any other form of financial transaction in order to deliver services or products that you have purchased from us through our online store in case this is in operation within our site or in a link from it, but it belongs to us.

In addition to the cookies that are necessary for the operation of our site, we use cookies to optimize your browsing experience, to offer you better services, to be compatible and cooperative with social networks, in order to offer you / personalized ads.  

Please note that third-party services such as Google Analytics or other Marketplace applications and software, as well as the possible use of cookies or other technologies by or others, may be subject to other terms of collection and storage. storage of data and information. As these Parties have nothing to do with us, their practices are described and governed by their own Privacy Policy.  

- We receive, collect and store any information you post on our website or otherwise. Additionally, we collect your Internet Protocol Address (IP) from which you connect to your computer or other device on the Internet. We also collect: login, email (password), passwords, login or computer or device information, as well as your order and purchase history. We may use software tools (programs) to measure and collect information about your browsing experience and activity on our site, including page response time, length of visits and length of visits per page. to certain pages), information related to your interaction on our pages (page interaction info) as well as the methods you use when leaving them (browse away from the page). We also collect your purely personal and identifiable information (including name, email, password, communications), payment details and details (including credit or debit card details), comments, interactions, product reviews, recommendations or personal elements of these.  


- When you make any move to our website, as part of the process, we collect personal information you give us, such as name, address and email address. All such personal information as any other collected will be used or may be used ONLY for the following reasons:


. So that we can operate with the ultimate goal of providing you with our services.

. In order to provide you with customer assistance and technical support

. In order to be able to contact you (users and visitors) to offer you personalized or general instructions about our services and promotional material in the form of messages or other type.  

. To generate aggregate statistics and other aggregated and / or inferred Non / personal data or information that we or our partners (other parties) may use to improve or enhance our services .  

. In order to comply with any Regulation and Law.

. In order to collect information.  We collect the following types of information from you in order to supply you with services or products that you have ordered or procured for the reasons described below. We can collect any or all information through simultaneous automatic collection methods such as contact profiles and cookies.  


Personal information. The personal information we collect depends on the type of service, service or purchasing choice or purchase request and may include your name, postal address, telephone / s, fax, email, dates provided by the Services, type Services provided, payment history and other financial transactions, payment method payment amount / amount, payment date, domain name, credit or debit card information or other payment information. The financial information will only be used so that payment for the Services or products you have purchased can be made. If you make purchases through credit or debit cards then your information may be transferred to your Card Issuer and related parties for the transaction to take place. During the exchange of personal data, a special security icon may appear in the program you are browsing.  


Cookies and Detection (Cookies Tracking). The program you browse with has the ability to save small text files - cookies - which store information to allow a cyber site (site) to recognize your account. We may use cookies to maintain your preferences and login credentials in order to offer you personalized functionality. We may use cookies to collect, store and sometimes detect information for statistical use to optimize our products and services and to ensure the proper operation of our telecommunications networks. More specifically we can use different types of cookies for different reasons and purposes: (i) required cookies which are necessary for the proper operation of our site, (ii) performance cookies which allow us to analyze the behavior of our visitors in order to measure and improve our functionality and our site, (iii) functional cookies which allow us to remember the choices you have made on our site, (iv) advertising cookies which are used to show you ads that are relevant to your interests.  

We may use cookies to track referrals from our internal or external partners or advertising campaigns.  

We can also use our external partners to send you emails which you agree to receive. These messages may use pixel tags and cookies, so that we can measure the effectiveness of our promotions, but also to help us optimize the most effective and targeted communication to you.  

You can opt out of cookies by changing your browser settings, but be aware that this will have a detrimental effect on the functionality of our site. 
Please see here too

Research. We may periodically conduct customer surveys. Your participation in them is voluntary. In case of your participation in these, all the information that you will bring to our attention will remain confidential even in the event that the research is conducted by our external partner on behalf of our company.  Social Networks. Our site includes features and applications of social networks (such as the Facebook button, Facebook address link, etc.). These features may collect your IP address and which pages (s) you visited on our site. They can also place a cookie to make it work better. The features of the Social Networks as well as their individual widgets may be hosted by a Third Party or directly from our site. Your interactivity and reciprocal behavior with these Parties and their characteristics are governed by the Privacy Policy of the Parties that offer them and not by us.  Data and Information supplied to Third Parties on our Network. This (specific) Privacy Policy does not apply to data and information that may be channeled or collected / stored by Third Party sites which may be our link or any other non-proprietary domain name. us. Such sites have no legal relationship with us, unless otherwise stated. You will need to edit the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of these sites yourself before disclosing your information to them. Our company does not bear any responsibility.  


Use of Information.  

Personal information. The information we collect is used to enable us to charge and provide Services and support to our customers. We may study and analyze this information to identify our customers' needs and to promote products or services or additional support. We can also create identifiable and comprehensive profiles based on information we receive from our visitors during their initial registration or entry - for example the total number of our customers in a particular category. This total Non-identifiable information may be used to promote advertisements within our site and in connection with the services or products we offer.  

We take every possible care to prevent any attempt to expropriate your property. In this regard, you may be asked to provide us with alternative ways of identifying yourself if you let us know that you are interested in obtaining information or changing some of your information in your account or in our files. And we may use this information in accordance with the terms described in our Privacy Policy. Here.  


Log Files. We use IP addresses to analyze trends, to better manage / manage our site, but also our servers, to identify accessibility and to collect a wide range of demographic information for general / overall use. IP addresses are not linked to your personally identifiable information. However, your personal information may be included in the log files due to the normal operation of IP addresses and web browsing.  


Disclosure and Disclosure of Information

Partners and Sponsors. Some of our products or services may be offered or promoted to you in collaboration with one of our partners or sponsors. We reserve the right to make your information or data available to such partners or sponsors. We also reserve the right to make total / anonymous, anonymous information based on information collected from our site to affiliates, sponsors, Third Parties or wherever we see fit. Nevertheless, in relation to your personal data, data or information, if we need to make it available to Third Parties, they will ensure the confidentiality of your data and their use will only apply to what has been agreed by us and not for other reasons.


Suppliers. We may transfer (or make available) your information to Third Parties that help us produce our services or produce services on our behalf. For example, we may use some Third Party services to approve and execute payments, conduct or monitor surveys, or run campaigns. Your data can be used inside or outside the US, the EU. and Israel. Your information is passed on to those partners we judge, but they in turn do not have the right to disclose it to others or use it for their own promotional or other purposes.  


Online Ads. We do not provide personally identifiable information (identifiable information) to advertisers. We may display online advertisements and disclose general and non-personally identifiable information that we collect about our customers / visitors through the registration process or through online surveys and promotions of specific advertisers. In some cases, we use this general and non-personally identifiable information to create tailored advertisements. If, for example, an advertiser asks us for a specific audience, men, up to the age of 25, then we, based on information we have gathered from general and non-personally identifiable information, can run these ads on that common target.  


Customer Surveys. We may circulate and share customer information and information we have obtained through customer surveys and polls in Third Party of our choice so that they can develop products and services that we believe would be of value to you.

We can do the same without the participation of Third Parties in the development of such products and services.  


Legal Reasons. In the event that we deem that the Law or the Ethical Rules impose as the Ethics is interpreted by our own value system - or we are asked by the Authorities we can have good faith to access, disclose and provide information or data to Companies, Organizations, Governments or anyone else we think should take them. These include - without being limited to these - summonses, interrogations, court orders and whatever the Law protects. In the event of any international dispute arising out of the need to decide whether or not to disclose information, the Constitution and the Laws of the United States of America, Israel and England, or only one of them, shall prevail. . For example, if a local court calls us to disclose someone's information or personal information, but U.S. Laws or the Constitution of Israel for example prohibits it due to some circumstances or technical detail that places the issue in special circumstances, then such a thing will not be accepted by us and no information can be given.

We may also access, disclose and make available information or data about our customers if deemed necessary for: (i) exercising our company legal rights against third parties or having legal protection against any legal action against us; including blackmail or claims involving us through the use of anonymous domain (s), (ii) to investigate, prevent or take any action against any suspicion of fraud or other unlawful act; (iii) physical harm to any person, (iv) to investigate violations of the Terms of Use of our site.  

Our company site is hosted on the platform of the United States of America and Israel. provides us with that technology so that our site can market our company's products and services. This is why your data can be stored, stored or even editable by storage units and applications (data storage, databases, general applications, back-up systems). All data and information is stored and stored behind's highly secure systems.

Although the servers, like all storage systems, are located within the United States or Israel, data and information can be accessed outside of those countries, as well as processing or the disclosure of this information to Third Parties may be made on a global scale from where we judge (geographical location) or and to whomever we wish. Of course, we and can export - any data or information, and therefore you give us your permission - outside the European Union.

We have the right and you give us your permission to come in any way we deem we may contact you about your account, to deal with problems related to it without your permission, to resolve disputes that arise and to do so unilaterally and without to leave your views, to record your views through questionnaires and surveys, to collect your debts to us, to inform you of our changes or new products and to execute the agreements you have with us under the Laws or the private electronic contract with which you have agreed with us (Terms of Use).

That's why we can reach out to you by phone, email, text or conventional mail.  


If you do not want us to process your data or information anymore, please let us know by sending an email to .

We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time and as many times as we want and therefore please refer here to be informed of any changes. Any change, change or correction in our Privacy Policy is effective from the moment it is published on this page and on this site. Each time we make fundamental changes to this Privacy Policy, there will be a note at the top of the page that we have made changes and the date they were made. This way you will know that you need to re-read our Policy.

The same can be done for its own Privacy Policy and .  


If you want to access your data and information, to correct or add or remove something, you are welcome to write to us at .
Here you can and should read the Privacy Policy which you also accept: .
Read also here


Generally, cookies that are initially placed on this website can be categorized as essential cookies. However, this website may also include other types of cookies that may require specific settings.

Take a look at the table below to see which cookies we place on this site: 

Cookies 2021.png
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